*Not Sold in North America
Below you will find a list of our Regional Sales Partners around the world. If a location near you is not listed, please contact us and we will be happy to make a connection for you.
United States
Location | Sales Agent | Phone | Website | Traxon e:cue Contact |
Alabama | Lighting Solutions, Inc. | 205-323-4208 | www.lightingsolutionsal.com | Brad Hellwig |
Alaska | Alaska Architectural Lighting Inc. | 907-561-0100 | www.akarchlight.com | Cy Eaton |
Arizona | Arizona Lighting Sales | 602-414-9897 | www.arizonalightingsales.com | Doug MacDonald |
Arkansas | Clear Advantage Lighting | 901-797-9991 | www.ctheadvantage.com | Brad Hellwig |
California (Northern) | California Architectural Lighting Inc. | 925-242-0111 | www.cal.lighting.com | Doug MacDonald |
California (Los Angeles) | David Silverman Associates | 818-541-6691 | www.dsa-lighting.com | Doug MacDonald |
California (San Diego) | OCS Lighting & Control | 858-514-4000 | www.www.ocsltg.com | Doug MacDonald |
Colorado | CT Lighting & Controls | 303-482-0780 | www.ct-lc.com | Doug MacDonald |
Connecticut | Illuminate Lighting | 860-282-0597 | www.illuminatene.com | Bob Haidinger |
Delaware | Lighting Solutions Inc | 610-891-1433 | www.lightingsolutionsinc.net | Bob Haidinger |
District of Columbia | One Source Associates Inc. | 410-309-4900 | www.www.onesa.com | Bob Haidinger |
Florida (Panhandle) | Lighting Solutions, Inc. | 205-323-4208 | www.lightingsolutionsal.com | Brad Hellwig |
Florida (North) | Next Generation Lighting South (ALESCO) | 912-489-5471 | www.alesco.us | Brad Hellwig |
Florida (Central) | REVELume | 407-365-6778 | www.revelumefl.com | Brad Hellwig |
Florida (South) | Infinity Architectural Lighting | 954-618-1028 | www.infinityal.com | Brad Hellwig |
Georgia (Southern) | Next Generation Lighting South (ALESCO) | 912-489-5471 | www.alesco.us | Brad Hellwig |
Georgia (Northern) | Next Generation Lighting | 404-902-6396 | www.nextgenltg.com | Brad Hellwig |
Hawaii | Hawaii Lighting Representatives | 808-445-6466 | www.hawaiilightingreps.com | David Brooks |
Idaho | Quantum Lighting Group, Inc. | 801-270-0010 | www.quantumltg.com | Doug MacDonald |
Illinois (Greater Chicago Area) | KSA Lighting LLC | 630-672-7670 | www.ksalighting.com | Beth Olson |
Illinois (Central) | KSA Lighting Central | 815-452-2337 | www.ksalighting.com | Beth Olson |
Indiana (Greater Indianapolis) | ESL-Spectrum, Inc. (Lighting Services of Indiana) | 317-951-2300 | www.esl-spectrum.com | Beth Olson |
Indiana (Evansville) | ESL-Spectrum, Inc. (Lighting Services of Indiana) | 812-250-1183 | www.esl-spectrum.com | Beth Olson |
Indiana (Fort Wayne) | ESL-Spectrum, Inc. (Lighting Services of Indiana) | 260 486-4117 | www.esl-spectrum.com | Beth Olson |
Indiana (South Bend) | ESL-Spectrum, Inc. (Lighting Services of Indiana) | 574 255-2151 | www.esl-spectrum.com | Beth Olson |
Iowa | Central Sales Lighting Alliance (CSLA-Iowa) | 515-650-8122 | www.centralsaleslightingalliance.com | Beth Olson |
Kansas | Convergence Group | 816-581-6300 | www.convergrep.com | Beth Olson |
Kentucky | LHI Lighting Sales, Inc. | 502-964-9661 | www.lhilightingsales.com | Beth Olson |
Louisiana | Wells-Keown & Associates Inc. | 504-733-0301 | www.wellskeown.com | Brad Hellwig |
Maine | Swaney Lighting Associates Inc. | 207-883-7100 | www.swaneylighting.com | Bob Haidinger |
Maryland | One Source Associates Inc. | 410-309-4900 | www.onesa.com | Bob Haidinger |
Massachusetts | Illuminate Lighting | 781-935-8500 | www.illuminatene.com | Bob Haidinger |
Michigan (Eastern) | Gasser Bush Associates | 734-266-6705 | www.gasserbush.com | Beth Olson |
Michigan (Western) | West Michigan Lighting Inc. | 616-364-6241 | www.westmichiganlighting.com | Beth Olson |
Minnesota | Davis & Associates Inc. | 952-941-0410 | www.davisassociatesinc.com | David Brooks |
Mississippi | Lighting Solutions, Inc. | 205-323-4208 | www.lightingsolutionsal.com | Brad Hellwig |
Mississippi | Clear Advantage Lighting | 901-797-9991 | www.ctheadvantage.com | Brad Hellwig |
Missouri (Kansas City) | Convergence Group | 816-581-6300 | www.convergrep.com | Beth Olson |
Missouri (St. Louis) | St. Louis Lighting Group | 314-963-3311 | www.stlouislightinggroup.com | Beth Olson |
Montana | CT Lighting & Controls | 303-482-0780 | www.ct-lc.com | Doug MacDonald |
Nebraska | Central Sales Lighting Systems Inc. | 402-597-3740 | www.centralsaleslightingalliance.com | Beth Olson |
Nevada (Southern) | Nevada Sales Agency | 702-270-4181 | www.nevadasalesagency.com | Doug MacDonald |
Nevada (Northern) | California Architectural Lighting Inc. | 925-242-0111 | www.cal.lighting.com | Doug MacDonald |
New Hampshire | Swaney Lighting Associates Inc | 603-361-3359 | www.swaneylighting.com | Bob Haidinger |
New Jersey (Northern) | City Lighting Representatives | 203-667-2719 | www.citylightingreps.com | Bob Haidinger |
New Jersey (Southern) | Lighting Solutions Inc | 610-891-1433 | www.lightingsolutionsinc.net | Bob Haidinger |
New Mexico | RKL Sales Corp | 505-837-2262 | www.rklsales.com | Doug MacDonald |
New York (NYC) | City Lighting Representatives | 203-667-2719 | www.citylightingreps.com | Bob Haidinger |
New York (Upstate) | Moxie Lighting LLC | 347-878-7621 | www.moxielighting.com | Bob Haidinger |
North Carolina | V3 Lighting | 704-620-4554 | www.v3lighting.com | Brad Hellwig |
North Dakota | Davis & Associates Inc. | 952-941-0410 | www.davisassociatesinc.com | David Brooks |
Ohio (Cincinnati) | Leesman Lighting LLC | 513-693-4060 | www.leesman.com | Beth Olson |
Ohio (Cleveland) | Jack Duffy & Associates | 234-380-1690 | www.duffylighting.com | Beth Olson |
Ohio (Columbus) | Lighting Systems of Columbus | 614-876-6722 | www.lightingsystemscol.com | Beth Olson |
Ohio (Toledo) | Gasser Bush Associates | 734–266–6705 | www.gasserbush.com | Beth Olson |
Oklahoma | Premier Lighting Sales Corp | 918-669-9008 | www.plsok.com | Beth Olson |
Oregon | Traxon e:cue | 310-694-1306 | na.traxon-ecue.com | Cy Eaton |
Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh) | Architectural Lighting Sales Inc | 724-916-2200 | www.archltginc.com | Beth Olson |
Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) | Lighting Solutions Inc | 610-891-1433 | www.lightingsolutionsinc.net | Bob Haidinger |
Puerto Rico | San Juan Lighting Corp | 787-767-7286 | www.sanjuanlighting.com | Brad Hellwig |
Rhode Island | Illuminate Lighting | 781-935-8500 | www.illuminatene.com | Bob Haidinger |
South Dakota | Davis & Associates Inc. | 952-941-0410 | www.davisassociatesinc.com | David Brooks |
South Carolina | Next Generation Lighting South (ALESCO) | 912-489-5471 | www.alesco.us | Brad Hellwig |
Tennessee (Eastern) | Lighting Trends | 865-523-8745 | www.ltgtrends.com | Brad Hellwig |
Tennessee (Western) | Clear Advantage Lighting | 901-797-9991 | www.ctheadvantage.com | Brad Hellwig |
Tennessee (Central) | DesignLight | 615-329-6700 | www.designlight.net | Brad Hellwig |
Texas (Dallas) | Architectural Lighting Associates | 214-658-9000 | www.alatx.com | Brad Hellwig |
Texas (Houston) | Lighting & Electrical Sales Company Inc. | 713-923-7781 | www.lescohouston.com | Brad Hellwig |
Texas (San Antonio) | Spectrum Lighting San Antonio | 210-822-6140 | www.spectrumsa.com | Brad Hellwig |
Texas (Austin) | Spectrum Lighting Austin | 512-442-0661 | www.spectrumltg.net | Brad Hellwig |
Texas (El Paso) | RKL Sales Corp | 505-837-2262 | www.rklsales.com | Doug MacDonald |
Utah | Quantum Lighting Group, Inc. | 801-270-0010 | www.quantumltg.com | Doug MacDonald |
Vermont | Swaney Lighting Associates Inc. | 802-363-0621 | www.swaneylighting.com | Bob Haidinger |
Virginia (Central) | Lighting Virginia - Central (Adams-Parnell) | 804-379-7779 | www.lightingvirginia.com | Brad Hellwig |
Virginia (West) | Lighting Virginia - West | 540-344-2068 | www.lightingvirginia.com | Brad Hellwig |
Virginia (East) | Lighting Virginia - East (NKE Lighting) | 757-463-1100 | www.lightingvirginia.com | Brad Hellwig |
Virginia (Northern, DC Metro)) | One Source Lighting Inc. | 410-309-4900 | www.onesa.com | Bob Haidinger |
Washington (Spokane) | J.C. Wright Lighting Sales Inc. | 509-535-0098 | www.jcwrightlighting.com | Cy Eaton |
Washington (Seattle) | The Lighting Group | 206-298-9000 | www.lightinggroup.com | Cy Eaton |
Wisconsin | Enterprise Lighting Ltd | 262-953-2700 | www.enterpriselighting.com | Beth Olson |
Wyoming | CT Lighting & Controls | 303-482-0780 | www.ct-lc.com | Doug MacDonald |
Location | Sales Agent | Phone | Website | Traxon e:cue Contact |
Alberta (Calgary, Edmonton) | Optics Lighting Agency Inc. | 403-668-1373 | www.opticslighting.com | David Brooks |
British Columbia (Vancouver) | Inter-Lite Sales Ltd. | 604-942-2232 | www.inter-lite.com | Cy Eaton |
Ontario (Ottawa) | WSA | 613-745-0001 | www.wsa.ca | Bob Haidinger |
Ontario (Toronto) | STL Lighting Group | 416-604-8020 | www.stllighting.com | Beth Olson |
Quebec | Lumigroup | 514-270-3552 | www.lumigroup.com | Bob Haidinger |
Location | Sales Partner | Phone | Website | City |
Austria | SCHÃœTZ-Technik GmbH | +43 (0) 7215 38200-0 | www.schuetz-technik.at | |
Austria | Ldde Vertriebs GmbH | +43 1 76718110 | www.ldde.com/index.php/at | |
Austria | Photonconsult e.U. | +43 2243 40150 | www.photonconsult.info | |
Belgium | FACE bvba | +32 3 844 67 97 | www.face.be | |
Croatia | Elektrokovina Lighting d.o.o. | +385 1 6599 888 | www.elektrokovina-lighting.hr | |
Czech Republic | Colmark | +420 77 791 950 | www.colmark.cz | |
Denmark | SpektraLED ApS | +45 20 89 02 56 | www.spektraled.dk | |
Denmark | Light Partner ApS | +45 97 26 96 00 | www.lightpartner.dk | |
Denmark | nebula light | +45 3036 6149 | www.nebulalight.dk | |
England | A.C. Special Projects Ltd. | +44 1494838392 | www.acspecialprojects.com | |
England | StudioTech (UK) Ltd | +44 161 292 9000 | www.studiotech.co.uk | |
Estonia | LED Advice OÜ | +372 555 18 000 | www.led-advice.eu | |
Estonia | HALORED OÜ | +372 656 1 646 | www.halored.com | |
Finland | Sun Effects | +358 45 1130005 | www.suneffects.fi | |
Finland | HALORED OY | +372 656 1 646 | www.halored.com | |
France | OPTYLED | +33 (0) 6 37 64 26 84 | www.optyled.com | |
France | Light In Shop | +33 (0) 164130708 | www.aristide.paris | |
Germany | livebau elektrotechnik GmbH | +49 88 01 / 91 19 -010 | www.livebau.eu | Seeshaupt |
Germany | LightLife Gesellschaft für audiovisuelle Erlebnisse mbH | +49 (0) 221 977 6540 | www.lightlife.de | Köln |
Germany | ME-DESIGN GmbH & Co. KG | +49 2522 833 946 0 | www.me-design.net | Oelde |
Germany | NEL Neontechnik | +49 (0) 341 319 810 | www.nel.de | Leipzig |
Germany | Stageled GmbH | +49 40 4600 266 0 | www.stageled.com | Hamburg |
Germany | bdl. Büro für Daten & Lichttechnik KG | +49 30 74076716 | www.b-dl.com | Berlin |
Germany | PlanWerkLicht GmbH | +49 2581 989 16 31 | www.planwerklicht.de | Warendorf |
Germany | Feiner Lichttechnik GmbH | +49 941 6040-51 | www.feiner-lichttechnik.de | Regensburg |
Germany | Hell + Dunkel HV | +49 561 9883368 | www.hellunddunkel.org | Fuldabrück |
Germany | 010digital GmbH | +49 8801 9119030 | www.010digital.eu | Seeshaupt |
Germany | sld mediatec GmbH | +49 911 230850 | www.sld-mediatec.de | Nürnberg, Köln, München, Kassel, Berlin |
Germany | sld distribution GmbH | +49 911 80192730 | www.sld-distribution.de | Fürth |
Germany | PLANLIGHT GmbH | +49 7642 9211142 | www.planlight.eu | Endingen |
Germany | two sense GmbH | +49 6126 5094137 | www.twosense.group | Flörsheim am Main |
Greece | Sielight | +3 210 775 8570 | www.sielight.gr | |
Greece | Bright | +30 210 2851304 | www.bright.gr | |
Greece | Kafkas | +30 216 3003000 | www.kafkas.gr | |
Greece | SMEKA S.A. | +30 2107228504 | www.smeka.gr | |
Hungary | Colmark | |||
Iceland | Johann Olafsson & CO | +354 533 1945 | www.olafsson.is | |
Ireland | AVL Systems Ltd | +353 1 88 53 266 | www.avl.ie | Dublin |
Italy | Sangalli Tecnologie S.r.l. | +39 035 683370 | www.sangallitecnologie.com | |
Latvia | HALORED OÜ | +372 656 1 646 | www.halored.com | |
Lithuania | HALORED OÜ | +372 656 1 646 | www.halored.com | |
Lithuania | UAB USI International | +370 687 87220 | www.usi.lt | |
Netherlands | Livingprojects B.V. | 076 549 88 08 | www.livingprojects.nl | |
Netherlands | Maramoja Projects B.V. | +31 6 54286321 | www.maramoja.com | |
Norway | Hotra AS | +47 909 713 54 | www.hotra.no | |
Norway | nebula light | +45 3036 6149 | www.nebulalight.dk | |
Romania | Greentek | +40 21 230 24 64/65 | www.greentek.eu | |
Romania | V.E.M Project Lighting | +40 372 725 725 | www.almalux.ro | |
Russia | Buro Manifest | +7 (926) 424-6426 | www.buromanifest.com | |
Russia | MT-Electro | +7 (343) 253-00-22/23 | www.mtelectro.ru | |
Russia | Heliocity | +7 (495) 926-29-24 | www.heliocity.ru | |
Spain | Susaeta Ilumination | +34 944484020 | www.susaeta.net | |
Sweden | Control Dept. | +468 551 06 391 | www.controldept.com | |
Sweden | LjusDesign AB | +46 26 66 15 00 | www.ljusdesign.se | |
Sweden | Uplight Scandinavia AB | +46 73 875 44 48 | www.uplight.se | |
Sweden | Bis Light Trading AB | +46 550 629 50 | www.bislight.se | |
Switzerland | se Lightmanagement AG | +41 56 418 76 11 | www.se-ag.ch | |
Turkey | Vetas Elektrik Muhendislik Ins. Taah Tur. Tic. Ve San. Ltd. Sti. | +90 242 312 72 52 | ||
Turkey | Zlux Aydinlatma A.S. | +90 212 438 11 16 | www.zlux.com | |
Turkey | Kitoko Aydinlatma & Muhendislik Insaat Ltd Sti | +90 212 212 27 84 | www.kitokogroup.com | |
Turkey | Candas Aydinlatma Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S. | +90 212 886 72 654 | www.highlight.com.tr | |
United Kingdom | A.C. Special Projects Ltd | +44 (0)1494 838392 | www.acspecialprojects.com | |
United Kingdom | Studiotech UK Ltd | +44 (0) 161 292 9000 | www.studiotech.co.uk |
Asia Pacific
Location | Sales Partner | Phone | Website |
Japan | AVANZ GATE Co., LTD. | +81-3-6809-1592 | www.avanzgate.com |
Russia | Buro Manifest | +7 (926) 424-6426 | www.buromanifest.com |
Russia | MT-Electro | +7 (343) 253-00-22/23 | www.mtelectro.ru |
Russia | Heliocity | +7 (495) 926-29-24 | www.heliocity.ru |
Turkey | Vetas Elektrik Muhendislik Ins. Taah Tur. Tic. Ve San. Ltd. Sti. | +90 242 312 72 52 | |
Turkey | Zlux Aydinlatma A.S. | +90 212 438 11 16 | www.zlux.com |
Turkey | Kitoko Aydinlatma & Muhendislik Insaat Ltd Sti | +90 212 212 27 84 | www.kitokogroup.com |
Turkey | Candas Aydinlatma Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S. | +90 212 886 72 654 | www.highlight.com.tr |
Middle East
Location | Sales Partner | Phone | Website |
Cyprus | Luce Ataliotis Ltd | +357 22515511 | www.luceataliotis.com |
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia | Lumiere KSA | +966 12 2840 830 | www.lumiereksa.net |
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia | Huda Lighting KSA | +966 11 293 8091 | www.hudalighting.com |
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia | Via Lighting | +966 11 457 5757 | www.vialighting.com |
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia | Rolaco Arabian Sounds & Lights | +966 12 664 6024 | www.rolaco.com.sa/en/content/material |
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia | Lighting Experts | +966 11 489 5715 | www.lightingexperts.ae |
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia | HRFA Lighting Solutions | +966566117285 | www.alhrfa.com |
Kuwait | Al Sabah General Electric Company Ltd | +965 2 240 9913 | www.alsabahelectric.com |
Kuwait | Bader Al Mulla & Bros Co. W.L.L. | +965 22205222 | www.almullagroup.com/en/business-sectors/engineering/lighting-department |
Kuwait | Al-Dhow Engineering General Trading & Contracting Co. W.L.L. | +965 22277300 | www.al-dhow.com |
Oman | Al Hassan Electricals Co. LLC | +965 2 240 9913 | www.alsabahelectric.com |
Qatar | Jaidah Group - Lighting | +974 4463 8777 | www.jaidahelectrical.com/lightings |
Qatar | Al-Dhow General Trading & Contracting Co. W.L.L. | +974 4441 9862 | www.al-dhow.com |
United Arab Emirates | Bahri & Mazroei Trading | +971 4 266 5577 | www.bmtc.ae |
United Arab Emirates | Huda Lighting Dubai | +971 4 341 1301 | www.hudalighting.com |
United Arab Emirates | Scientechnic Lighting Solutions | +971 4 873 1333 | www.scientechnic.com |
United Arab Emirates | Debbas Electric | +971 4 3350006 | www.debbas.com/en/home |
United Arab Emirates | Creation Gulf Trading LLC | +971 4 324 4205 | www.creationgulf.com |
United Arab Emirates | Pioneer Lighting Solutions LLC | +971 4 262 4599 | www.pioneerlightingsolutions.com |
Location | Sales Partner | Phone | Website |
Morocco | Arrakis | +212 (0) 5 22 949947 | www.arrakis-lighting.com |
Latin America
Location | Sales Partner | Phone | Website |
Brazil | New Energy | +55 11 98686-6462 | www.newenergy.com.br |
Costa Rica | Global Lighting Solutions S.A. (GLS) | + (506) 2203 3939 | www.gls-ca.com |
Mexico | Latin Technology | +52 998 886 2886 | www.latin.technology |